Lauren’s Weblog

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One Episode Left! July 15, 2008

Ok so let’s talk about tonight’s Legally Blonde The Search For The Next Elle Woods.

WTF?!? Lauren went home?!? What was that all about? In my opinion, she gave it her all but because she is only 18 (only 1 year younger than Bailey) she got sent home? You’re too young??? That’s the only excuse they could give her? That’s not fair. Now I know what you all are going to say: “Life isn’t fair. Casting agencies are mean.” Her singing is amazing and she has been so dead on during the majority of the auditions. WTF?!?

I am VERY Disappointed because Rihannon can’t sing for her life while dancing and acting. Autumn isn’t even consistant. I really like Bailey but I LOVE Lauren. I am now cheering for Bailey.

UGH I don’t even want to talk about the show any more. My sister and I have seen Legally Blonde THe Musical 3 times and Lauren was the one who seemed the most capable of doing the show night after night. Bailey is our next hope but she’s no Lauren. 

I have no Paul Canaan quote tonight. He didn’t even talk that much this time. Still love you Paul!!!

Ugggh I’m so frustrated by this show. One time you look young and off you go while people who can’t sing and dance are still on the show and auditioning for a MUSICAL. WhAT THE HECK!?! I’ll never get it!


4 Girls Left July 8, 2008

Filed under: Broadway — thekeenanator @ 3:30 am
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So tonight was a pretty good episode of LBSFTNEW. 

Someone asked me: why are they searching for a replacement for Laura Bell Bundy? Well, she has other plans and is ending her run with the show. She might be back at a later date, but right now she has better things to do. As for Legally Blonde, if you watched tonight’s episode, Laura said that it has been the time of her life. She also said that she learned a lot about herself through being Elle Woods.

So for this episode I do not have a Paul Canaan quote. You looked beautiful again tonight Paul and I guess the quote for tonight would have to be, “That’s what I call, a Hiiiiiiiiiit!” Love it.

2 of the girls went blonde and Bailey cried when her hair was cut like 2 inches. I don’t understand why girls do that.

WHY DID THEY PUT ANDY KARL IN CHRISTIAN BORLE’S ROLE?!?!?! It’s not the same!!!!!!!!!! Christian whyyyy? For those of you who don’t know, Christian is one of my fave broadway leading men. He is beautiful, quirky, and has a great voice. He also loves comic books. I dunno, the song Legally Blonde isn’t the same without Christian’s voice in it.

Natalie got sent home.*sigh* I think she had something more than Riahannon. I really don’t like Riahannon. She needs to go home. Like Now.

As for the girls that are left. I like 2 out of 4. Bailey and Lauren. I’m seriously rooting for Lauren. She is the most like Laura Bell and very much like Elle Woods. I totally see it and I think she is going to nail the audition next week. GO LAUREN!!

So until next week….


Dancing on the streets in Pinky high high heels July 1, 2008

So tonight the girls had a challenge. they had to go dance on cobblestone streets in these crazy heels. I don’t really like heels, but when i have to, i’ll put up with them. That was just crazy. Natalie was great. So totally had the confidence and did great with the moves. It was no surprise that she was a sure fire sticker this week. MAD PROPS NAT!!!

As far as who went home…. I don’t think the right girl got the boot. Emma was right, she should not have gone home this week. I do agree that she is a bit inconsistant, but she is doing great in this thing! She quit smoking, is struggling with bronchitus, but she still performs and well. Personally, I think Rhiannon should have gone home. I really don’t see her as Elle.

As far as the girls who stayed. WOAH Lauren! She was hard core ON with her dancing. I thought for sure she was going home! She is def in this competition for the win. Also, Natalie was great and she is tough competition.

Of Course I have to talk bout our Broadway Diva Paul Canaan. Lovin him so much this week. Ok, if you guys haven’t seen how serious he is about broadway and his line of work. Just watch this show! He knows a ton about this stuff and he knows what they are looking for and who has it. Paul knows how to gently tell people they need to do a LOT more than what they have been doing. You are wonderful Paul!!! I don’t have a quote from tonight though 😦

until next monday’s show…