Lauren’s Weblog

Just another weblog

Day 14: Bad News Happens October 5, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — thekeenanator @ 11:49 pm
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Ok so I wouldn’t say that I got horrible news. But I mean it’s another kink in my plans.

So back two weeks ago I emailed the Broadcasting Production head and asked about how I could get involved with them. The guy seemed very excited that I had reached out to them asking about information. So I sent my resume to the guy who he directed me to.

Well that guy called me today. He basically said, we’ll try to help you but it doesn’t look too good. We’ll keep you in mind. He gave me some leads to other places that I could apply to. He was a super nice guy but the news was a little disheartening. I just want to hold a camera for crying out loud. There was something about a union, but it was never specified which one exactly.

The point is, you can try and try and try and you might get bad news every time. Don’t lose hope or give up because of bad news. Bad news happens. Bad news may direct you to good news. I now have a few more places to send my resume and a new contact to add to my book. I also gained experience in talking to professional people. You can learn something from everything, even bad news.

While I am sad that things have to be the way they are right now, it’s ok. I love my job and getting to talk to so many different people. I am content with life for now. That’s all that matters.

Onward to the Dream


Days 12, 13, and 14: The Importance of Friends

Filed under: Uncategorized — thekeenanator @ 2:00 am
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This weekend I had some friends come and visit me.

It was a very exciting and fun time. Friends are extremely important in your quest for following your dreams. Surrounding yourself with a network of people that are going to support you helps you grow and gives you some extra courage to continue your quest. Having friends that support you is important for many reasons. Hopefully they are truthful with you. They will help guide you and may even help connect you, if it is at all possible. They encourage you and cheer you up. They laugh with you and are real with you. If they aren’t then they aren’t your friends.

This weekend’s tip is to keep yourself surrounded with supportive friends. They are great for encouragement and guidance. They will help and support you, each step of the way. Also, be sure to laugh and relax as much as possible. Life is too short to be miserable. That’s what friends are for, pick me ups, support, and fun.


Day 9: Why I would work for Starbucks September 28, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — thekeenanator @ 10:16 pm
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Ok so we all know I am working a part time job at Disney.  But I am really poor and I am trying to find another part time job.

One of the first places I applied to was to the two Starbucks shops by my apartment. I have always wanted to work for Starbucks and I wasn’t sure why. It was just one of those urges you get when you really want to do something.

Well, I was sitting in Starbucks today, reading a book and drinking my grande non fat caramel macchiato, and it occured to me why I wanted to work for Starbucks. There are many reasons why a person would want to work for Starbucks. If you are part time they give you all these cool benefits like health care and tuition reimbursement. But that doesn’t appeal to me. I mean it does, but that’s not what was drawing me to this company or shop.

Coffee brings people together. Coffee makes your day better. Almost every time you walk into Starbucks or drive thru, the barista is friendly. I have run into some really grumpy baristas, but that is besides the point. If you go into the same Starbucks enough times they learn your name, what you do, and exactly how you want your coffee, latte, mocha, frap, whatever. Baristas at Starbucks are great! They usually have a lot of fun and are easy to relate to. Occasionally you run into some Starbucks shops that just have unhappy employees, but that’s something that needs to be taken up with a manager. Coffee with a smile makes people feel better. Besides, for coffee lovers, just being able to get your coffee or beverage is an amazing part of your day. You might really need a coffee pick me up.

So that’s why I would work for Starbucks. I have applied and I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to be part of a Starbucks team but like the rest of the world, they really aren’t hiring. I really wish they were though.