Lauren’s Weblog

Just another weblog

Day 6 & 7: Remember why you started September 27, 2009

Filed under: College — thekeenanator @ 1:53 am
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So yesterday I was busy. I was busy remembering why I wanted to follow this dream in the first place. I took some time to visit the Magic Kingdom and to go to Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party.

Today I was just lazy. I hang out around the complex and had some very stimulating conversations in the clubhouse about Film and Government/Socialism. It was interesting. Apparently I did learn a lot in school.

But these two days have proved to be a good learning/stepping stone for me.

The first thing I learned was that it is good to remember why you started chasing your dream in the first place. I was able to see this during my time at the Magic Kingdom. Kids and adults were just amazed at what happens. Of course, you get those few people who are grumpy, mean, and rude, but for the most part everything just wanted to have an awesome time. If someone can put a smile on their faces, it makes me smile. As I like to say, I’m in the business of smiles. Also, Disney is in the Entertainment business. I LOVE entertaining people. It is so much fun and it brings so much joy to others.

One of my life goals is to be a part of something bigger than myself. Disney helps me do that, but I can’t work in attractions my entire life. I was meant to do more. I wish I could help Disney as a company remember that it all started with a dream. Disney is supposed to be in the business of Dreams and they seem to be forgetting that. We all forget about what business we are in sometimes.

I also learned that you can learn a LOT from others. If we all just took the time to listen to one another and to hear their point of view on things, we may find the answers to a lot of big questions. It is so awesome to have stimulating conversations. I am going to strive to have one every day.


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